Emergency Action Plan
Gillette College
Emergency Action Plan
Soccer Field/ Pronghorn Stadium
Emergency Personnel:
Licensed Athletic Trainer, coaches, and student athletic trainer(s) on site for practice and competition; additional team physician
Emergency Communication:
Cell- phone on Athletic Trainer, Radio- NWCCD police have radio
Emergency Equipment:
AED: Located inside the Pronghorn Center upper level by ATM,
Trauma kit (black), crutches, splint bag/ knee immobilizer red bag: maintained in athletic training room.
Roles of First Responders:
Immediate care of the injured or ill student athlete
Emergency equipment retrieval
Activation of emergency medical system (EMS):
911 call
Provide name: your name
Address: 3807 College Dr Gillette, Wyoming 82718 Gate
Telephone number: which you are calling from ______
Number of individual injured: _____
Condition of injury; _____
First aid treatment: _____
Specific direction to gymnasium west entrance: Head south on 4-J Road until you reach Sinclair St. Turn Left followed by an immediate right on to College Drive. You will see the west gate to Pronghorn field.
Other information
Send one person to direct EMS (flag down EMS) west side entrance by fire hydrant.
One person on the for crowd control
Sports Medicine Staff and Phone Numbers
Joanna Fletcher LAT/ATC 307-689-2527
After an incident please notify superintendent and/or principle.
Athletic Director Bubba Hall
Gillette College
Emergency Action Plan
Gymnasium/ Pronghorn Center
Emergency Personnel:
Licensed Athletic Trainer, coaches, and student athletic trainer(s) on site for practice and competition; additional team physician
Emergency Communication:
Cell- phone on Athletic Trainer, Radio- NWCCD police have radio
Emergency Equipment:
AED: Located upper level by ATM,
Trauma kit (black), crutches, splint bag/ knee immobilizer red bag: maintained in athletic training room.
Roles of First Responders:
Immediate care of the injured or ill student athlete
Emergency equipment retrieval
Activation of emergency medical system (EMS):
911 call
Provide name: your name
Address: 3807 College Dr Gillette, Wyoming 82718 Door 5
Telephone number: which you are calling from ______
Number of individual injured: _____
Condition of injury; _____
First aid treatment: _____
Specific direction to gymnasium west entrance: Head south on 4-J Road until you reach Sinclair St. Turn Left followed by an immediate right on to College Drive. You will see the west parking lot for the Pronghorn center.
Other information
Send one person to direct EMS (flag down EMS) west side entrance by back parking lot.
One person on the for crowd control
Sports Medicine Staff and Phone Numbers
Joanna Fletcher LAT/ATC 307-689-2527
After an incident please notify superintendent and/or principle.
Athletic Director Bubba Hall